
Fogel Karl [FAMILY Given] () [FAMILY Given] () Takaoka Yoshinari(a.k.a mumumu) [FAMILY Given] () 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Karl Fogel, , Yoshinari Takaoka (a.k.a mumumu), under a CreativeCommons Attribution-ShareAlike () license (3.0, 2.1-jp) Karen Underhill Jim Blandy 1. 2. GPL 3. Reply-to IRC / IRC RSS Wiki 4. ? ? v.s 5. : CVS () 6. "" CAN/CVE 7. / 8. FAQ 9. GPL MIT/X Window System GPL GPL ? BSD ? (CLA) A. B. C. D. E. F. Fogel Karl [FAMILY Given] 200956 Producing Open Source Software XML ^[1] 300 2 2 608 2 ^[1] DocBook XML Subversion XML Subversion Linux ^[2] sui generis 5 Subversion Subversion CVS CollabNet http://www.collab.net/2000 ^[3] CollabNet 50 CollabNet Subversion Subversion Subversion Subversion 5Subversion 12 Subversion FSFGNU Emacs CVSConcurrent Versions System 19941995Jim Blandy Apache(Apache Software Foundation) APRApache Portable RuntimeApache HTTP Server OpenOffice.orgSleepycatBerkeley DBMySQL GNU Debugger (GDB) () Debian () 4 O'ReillyAndy Oram AndyChuck Toporek Brian Fitzpatrick Ben Collins-Sussman Mike Pilato Biella Coleman Alex Golub Micah Anderson Micah Jon Trowbridge Sander Striker Greg Stein Brian Behlendorf Benjamin "Mako" Hill Seth Schoen Zack Urlocker Louis Suarez-PottsSlashcode Shane Haggen Alla DekhtyarPolina Sonya Jack Repenning CollabNet Sandhya Klute Mahesh Murthy 2 Subversion 5 Subversion 1 Rachel Scollon Noel Taylor Golos Matthew Dean Dorothea Samtleben Megan Jennings Yoav ShapiraAndrew StellmanDavanum SrinivasBen Hyde 4 Frances Henry Karen Underhill Jim Blandy Karen 7 Jim CollabNet Subversion Producing Open Source Software Karl Fogel200510 O'Reilly MediaISBN0-596-00759-0 http://producingoss.com/en/ index.html (Karl Fogel20097 ISBN978-4-87311-412-5) http:// www.oreilly.co.jp/books/9784873114125/ ^[4] F. ) ^[2] 1 ^[3] Karl Fogel 20097 CollabNet Ubuntu Canonical http://canonical.com/ Launchpad http://launchpad.net/ CollabNet ^[4] 1 ^[5] 10 SourceForge.net 9095% ( ) () Jamie Zawinski Mozilla ( http:// cruel.org/jwz/nomo.html) 2 (failures of cultural navigation) 10 () ( ) ( ) () () Richard Stallman (AI) 1970 80 AI ^[6] Stallman ( http:// www.gnu.org/gnu/thegnuproject.ja.html) Stallman 1980 AI AI Stallman VAX 68020 AI ( ) GNU Free Software Foundation (FSF) GNU ^[7] AI () AI Stallman GNU General Public License (GPL) () Stallman () Stallman GPL GPL GPL 9 (Stallman ) GNU OS GNU GNU (Emacs) C (GCC) 1990 GNU GNU Free Software Foundation Linus Torvalds Linux Linux GNU ^[8] GNU GNU ( NetBSD FreeBSD ) Free Software Foundation FSF FSF GPL Stallman GNU Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) Unix 1970 AT&T BSD Unix BSD X Window System 1980 MIT X X X ^[9] GNU TeX Donald Knuth Tex "TeX" ( "" 9 )Knuth ( ) 1980 GNU GPL GNU (software hoarding)(Stallman ) () ( IT ) () ^[10] () 1990 Netscape Microsoft "" ^[11] ( gratis libre ) " (free) (freedom) () () " Stallman () 1998 Open Source Initiative (OSI) ^[12] OSI OSI Open Source Initiative CEO CTO ( OSI http:// web.archive.org/web/20021204155057/ faq.php http://web.archive.org/web/20021204155022/ ) () OSI OSI Open Source Initiative Open Source Initiative / Debian 100% () ( ) () 5 ^[5] SourceForge.net 2004 4 79,225 SourceForge ^[6] Stallman ^[7] "GNU's Not Unix" "GNU" ^[8] Linux IBM 386BSD Linux 386BSD Linux ^[9] "X " "X " ^[10] ^[11] Netscape Navigator 1998 Mozilla http://www.mozilla.org/ ^[12] OSI http://www.opensource.org/ 2 GPL Eric Raymond (The Cathedral and the Bazaar) ( http://www.tlug.jp/docs/cathedral-bazaar/cathedral-paper-jp.html) Raymond Raymond 1997 () Raymond OpenAdapter ( Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein (scaled presentation) () () http: //freshmeat.net/ ( ) http://www.sourceforge.net/ Free Software Foundation ( () ( ) README () (hacktivation) ^[13] http://www.nameprotect.org/ http:// www.uspto.gov/ .com .net.org ( .org ) ( ) URL ( 30 ) http://www.openoffice.org/ To create, as a community, the leading international office suite that will run on all major platforms and provide access to all functionality and data through open-component based APIs and an XML-based file format. ( API XML ) " (as a community)" " (international)" " (all major platforms)" UnixMacintosh Windows Microsoft Office " (office suite)" ( MS Office ) OpenOffice.org " (as a community)" Sun Microsystems Sun () 9 / ( "" "" ) / API HTML XML () () () Python 2.2 () ( ) " " / () ( ) " " 7 3 ( ) 3 IRC 6 4 http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/www/ hacking.html http://www.openoffice.org/dev_docs/ guidelines.html () HTML Texinfo XML ( ) FAQ FAQ ("Frequently Asked Questions" "") FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ (FAQ 8 FAQ ) ( ) (7 ) () HTML ( "" "" "" ) ( http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/www/hacking.html ) () wiki wiki wiki 3 Wiki Gimp ( File->Acquire->Screenshot SingleWindow WholeScreen OK Gimp http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Lite_Quickies/#crop 3 9 MIT/X ( ) MIT/X Window System GPL GNU General Public License ( GPL 9 GPL GNU Affero GPL 9 GNU Affero GPL: GNU GPL COPYING ( LICENSE) GNU GPL Copyright (C) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see > COPYING ( ) ( ) Subversion ( Subversion ( ) X Y Y X " (faits accomplis)" 6 Subversion () ^[14] "" "" - () ( ) (ad hominem) "" () J " " J M J M ( ) ( ) ( ) ^[15] Subversion Greg Stein Greg ? Greg ? Greg Subversion API (off-by-one) () ( ) 5 9 " " ( ) http://freshmeat.net/ Submit Freshmeat (Reply-to ) To: discusSubject: [ANN] Scanley Reply-to: de Scanley API Scanley : http://www.scanley.org/ : - HTML XML - - () - () - () Requirements: - Python 2.2 - () scanley.org -J. Random ( 6 ) Subversion Subversion Mozilla ^[13] hack activation http://www.gnu.
ベライゾンの国際を呼び出す方法org/ software/guile/docs/docs-1.6/guile-ref/Programming-Overview.html ^[14] Brian Behlendorf ^[15] " " 3 Reply-to IRC / IRC RSS Wiki ^[16] ( ) Fred Brooks ? ! "" ( ) ( Reply-to ) ? Wiki ( ) ( ) ( " " ) ( ) ? () FAQ () a) b) ( ) () MHonArc ( 6 1. 2. () ( ) SpamAssassin (http:/ /spamassassin.apache.org/) SpamProbe ( 3. "accept" () "allow" () "reject" "deny" () jrando jrandom_AT_somedomain.com jrandomNOSPA () "@" http://www.cdt.org/speech/spam/030319spamreport.shtml / ( ) From: ... To: ... Subject: ... Date: ... Reply-to: sende ( ) Subject Subject: Making the 2.5 release. Subject: [discusMaking the 2.5 release. Subject To To: Subject To "To" "Cc" list-help: list-unsubscribe: list-post: Delivered-To: mailing list discusMailing-List: contact discuss-helrun by ezmlm http:// www.nisto.com/listspec/list-manager-intro.html http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2369.html "list" "list-help" "list-unsubscribe" "list-subscribe" "list-owner" ? URL ! (!) 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Reply-to , by Chip Rosenthal http://www.unicom.com/pw/reply-to-harmful.html () Reply-to , by Simon Hill http://www.metasystema.net/essays/reply-to.mhtml () "" Reply-to reply-to-list (Mutt ^[17] ) Reply-to ( ) Reply-to Reply-to ^[18] ( ) URL URL URL URL URL ( ) URL ( ) () ( ) URL URL Google MailmanEzmlmMHonArc Hypermail ( ) Mailman ( ) SmartList ( Procmail ) Ecartis ListProc Ezmlm ( Qmail ) Dada ( GNU General Public License ) MHonArc Hypermail Lurker Procmail (SmartList ) """" "" "" ( " 1.0 " ) "" ( "" " " ) "" "" "Mac OS X " (" """ ) 6 () "" " " " " " " "" F 6 F F 7 " """ "" () " 10 " " foo.c 10" Release_1_0 Delivery_00456 "" ( ) "" "" "" " (trunk)" () "" "" " Alfred " - - (lock-modify-unlock) - - (copy-modify-merge) http://svnbook.red-bean.com/svnbook-1.0/ch02s02.html - - Concurrent Versions System (CVS, http://www.cvshome.org/) Subversion (SVN, http://subversion.tigris.org/) CVS CVS CVS CVS CVS ) CVS Subversion ^[19] Subversion Subversion A. Subversion FAQ () configure configure.in configure configure.in configure.in ^[20] ( ) 30 URL URL www/hacking.html http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/www/hacking.html hacking.html URL URL ViewVC ( CVSWeb ( WebSVN ( ViewVC CVS Subversion CVSWeb CVS WebSVN Subversion ( ) hooks post-commit hook CVS loginfo loginfo hook 1. URL URL URL ( URL ) 2. Reply-to Reply-to Reply-to Reply-to Reply-to CIA: CIA ( CIA CIA IRC IRC CIA (CIA notifier) XML ( cia.navi.cx) CIA RSS http:// cia.navi.cx/ CIA IRC irc.freenode.net #commits CVS CVS "" (7 ) (revert) revert CVS "path/to/file/in/project/tree:REV" REV CVS ( "1.76" ) Subversion ( 1729 ) "r1729" ( Subversion ) ( 6 7 ) 7 (8 ) X Y Y Y ( ) Subversion 4 33 43 () () ( ) 4 ? ? B. "" 1. ( 8 ) 2. 3. 4. " " ( 8 ) 5. 6. ( ) 8 1. ( ) 3 1. ( ) () Reply-to ( (8 ) 6 () http://bugs.debian.org/ Debian 315,929 Debian "" IRC " ?" 1. 2. 3. e.g. URL S/N 8 IRC / Internet Relay Chat (IRC) IRC Freenode ( IRC FreenodeIRC ^[21] IRC Freenode IRC Subversion Subversion user Subversion FAQ IRC irc.freenode.net #svn (6 ) ? ? ^[22] : #svn #svn Subversion || #svn-dev || Subversion || : Subversion 1.1.0 http://svn110.notlong.com/ ( ) IRC () http://pastebin.ca/ URL URL : http://pastebin.ca/, http://nopaste.php.cd/, http://sourcepost.sytes.net/, http:// extraball.sunsite.dk/notepad.php, http://www.pastebin.com/ IRC "" : ayita: learn diff-cmd = http://subversion.tigris.org/faq.html#diff-cmd Thanks! (ayita ) "diff-cmd" URL ayita diff-cmd : ayita: tell jrandom about diff-cmd jrandom: http://subversion.tigris.org/faq.html#diff-cmd !a jrandom diff-cmd jrandom: http://subversion.tigris.org/faq.html#diff-cmd Freenode #svn ayita( Dancer( Supybot( IRC IRC/ IRC IRC IRC IRC ( ) IRC () URL RSS RSS (Really Simple Syndication) "" "" RSS RSS RSS Bandit Feedreader RSS ^[23] RSS RSS RSS "" "" () RSS ( ) RSS ^[24] Wiki wiki "wiki" ( "" "" wiki 1995 20002001 wiki Wikipedia( wiki IRC wiki HTML wiki wiki wiki 2,3 wiki wiki wiki i.e. wiki wiki wiki """" wiki wiki : wiki wiki wiki wiki Wikipedia wiki Wikipedia Wikipedia wiki wiki wikiwiki : http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?WelcomeVisitors, http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki? WhyWikiWorksNot ( , ) FAQ HTMLPDF FAQHTML SourceForge "Sourceforge" SourceForge SourceForge CVS SourceForge SourceForge SourceForge SourceForge "URL" URL URL URL SourceForge savannah.gnu.org BerliOS.de SourceForge Apache Software Foundation Tigris.org^[25] ( ) wiki ^[16] 1975 The Mythical Man Month (:) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mythical_Man-Month ( ) ^[17] Michael Bernstein "Mutt reply-to-list Evolution (Ctrl+L) " ^[18] Siesta http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2004/02/05/ siesta.html ^[19] http://cia.vc/stats/vcs http://subversion.tigris.org/ svn-dav-securityspace-survey.html ^[20] configure Alexey Makhotkin "configure.in and version control" URL http://versioncontrolblog.com/2007/01/08/ configurein-and-version-control/ ^[21] Freenode ^[22] /topic IRC "/" IRC http://www.irchelp.org/ : http://www.irchelp.org/ irchelp/irctutorial.html ^[23] http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2002/12/18/dive-into-xml.html ^[24] Brian Aker "Release Criteria, Open Source, Thoughts On..." RSS ^[25] : Tigris.org CollabNet Tigris 4 ? ? v.s " " "" (8 ) "" "" "" Linux kernel Linus Torvalds (Benevolent Dictator) "" BD "" " " root "" 12 N N-1 " " " " i.e. 23 6 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Voting_system#List_of_systems ? " " 7 ? ( " " " " n 8 v.s X X "-1" Apache Software Foundation http://www.apache.org/foundation/voting.html Apache Apache "-1" 2 " " " " API FAQ FAQ FAQ http://svn.collab.net /repos/svn/trunk/www/hacking.html Subversion hacking.html http://www.apache.org/foundation/how-it-works.html Apache Software Foundation Apache Software Foundation 5 : CVS () () "" 6 IBM ( ) : http://www.openadapter.org/, http://www.koha.org/ : CollabNet http://subversion.tigris.org/ ( : ) : http://www.
私は私の番号を維持することができます事前にプリペイド携帯電話の計画はありますか?openoffice.org/ ( OpenOffice Microsoft Office ) (9 ) MySQL Barkley DB Sleepycat T 23 ( ) CollabNet Subversion ( ) 6 () 2,3 X X / () ( ) A, B, C ... ( ) 12 Subversion Subversion (: ) CollabNet CollabNet CollabNet Mike Pilato Subversion Mike Subversion ( ) CollabNet Subversion Mike CollabNet CollabNet CollabNet Mike CollabNet CollabNet CollabNet CollabNet Mike CollabNet CollabNet Mike Mike ( CollabNet ) (Danese Cooper http:// blogs.sun.com/roller/page/DaneseCooper/20040916 Cooper "" Tomcat ) (4 ) ( ) Subversion IRC (IRC privmsg ) (CollabNet) CollabNet NO : 2 : CVS 1995 CVS (Concurrent Versions System : http://www.cvshome.org/ ) CVS CVS CVS rsh CVS CVS Jim ( ) () () ( ) ( ) () ( ) ( ) 9 ( ) 3 1 Dirk Reiner 5. () ( 3 ) URL URL 6 "X" "X" 3 Singer Singer5 Linux Windows "" 3 6 4 ("278 ") 23 8 () ( ) ( ) 6 "" CAN/CVE ^[26] Jim Blandy 1993 Free Software Foundation GNU Emacs 19 FSF FSF 13 13 IRC HTML 72 1 80 (80 ) 1 80 ( ) ( ) ( ) () URL 5 10 n n n n () " J. Random ..." " J. Random ..." ( ) Slash apache/mod_perl slashcode.com Apache 2.0 Shane Shane () a) b) () () ( ) ( ) Shane (" ") () ( ) () () (" " ) () 2 "fusiform face area" Deloitte & Touche LLP () gmail.google.com www.hotmail.com www.yahoo.com 1. 2. 3. ( ) a) b) "" ( C. ) 2 S/N S/N ( ) ( ) ( ) () () ( ) "" () Bikeshed Effect () Poul-Henning Kamp BSD C 1960 [...] P ( C. http:// bikeshed.com ) Kamp ( ) (holy war: ) () 2 () () (9 GPL ) reply-to ( in 3 Reply-to ) ( Perl ) http://catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/H/ holy-wars.html Danny Cohen http:// www.ietf.org/rfc/ien/ien137.txt "" () " " "" "" ( ) () 10 ( 3 "J. Random" ) 3 From: "Brian W. Fitzpatrick" To: [... ...] Subject: The Subversion Energy Sink Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 23:37:47 -0600 25 svn [dev|users] 6 294 kfoge 236 "C. Michael Pilato" 220 "J. Random" 176 Branko ibej 130 Philip Martin 126 Ben Collins-Sussman 5 Subversion 1.0 15 Subversion Subversion grep5 2 de| reiser4 ) FAQ Subversion 3 500 IRC ( http://subversion.tigris.org/project_issues.html ) () ( ) 2 Subversion "r12908" " 12908" "r" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r12908 | qsimon | 2005-02-02 14:15:06 -0600 (Wed, 02 Feb 2005) | 4 lines J. Random * trunk/contrib/client-side/psvn/psvn.el: revision 12828 typo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ... " 'revision 12828' 'r12828' ?" "r12828" "revision 12828" ("revision" "12828" "r12828" ) FAQ (: ID URL ) URL Message-ID Message-ID ( ) Message-ID 100 ( ) IRC () () ( ) slashdot.org 4 5 1. () 2. blog 3. RSS (RSS ) 4. http://freshmeat.net/ (Freshmeat ) Freshmeat Freshmeat Freshmeat ( http://slashdot.org ) Freshmeat RSS RSS Freshmeat 5. "announce" announc ( ) announce ( ) announce ( ) ( ) () Scanley 2.0 2005 8 http://www.scanley.org/status.html ... ... () URL ( ) 1. 2. 1 "" " 2 " " ?" 3 http://subversion.tigris.org/security.html HTML ? (severity) (urgency) 1. ? ? ? 2. ? ? ? 3. ? () anonymous1 (urgent) (extremelyurgent) "anonymous1 ( ) (Arch SVK ) CAN/CVE CAN CVE "CAN-2004-0397" "CVE-2002-0092" http://cve.mitre.org / "Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures" "CAN" "CVE" CVE Editorial Board "CAN" "CVE" CAN/CVE ( ) http://cve.mitre.org/ http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name= 2002-0092 http:// cve.mitre.org/data/refs/refkey.html CVE CAN CVE Editorial Board CVE Editorial Board CAN CAN a) MITRE b) CAN CVE http://www.securityfocus.com/ BugTraq ( ) CAN/CVE CAN () CAN/CVE http://cve.mitre.org/cve/ identifiers/candidates_explained.html CAN/CVE http://www.debian.org/ security/cve-compatibility ( ) / 1 2 () () (BCC) BCC ( BCC ) From: To: admiReply-to: () Subject: [] Scanley 5 19 () Scanley 5 19 : ===== CAN-2004-1771: Scanley stack overflow in queries : ======= : ======= : ========= scanley.conf 'natural-language-processing' 'off' : ======= Scanley 3.03.1 3.2 (Scanley 3.2.1) 5 19 3.2 3.2.1 [......] CAN ( ) MITRE CAN CAN/CVE CAN/CVE "" "" ( 7 ) announce Freshmeat announce ? http://cve.mitre.org/about/ terminology.html ^[26] Gutwin Penner Schneider Group Awareness in Distributed Software Development http://www.st.cs.uni-sb.de/edu/ empirical-se/2006/PDFs/gutwin04.pdf URL 7 / API ( ) i.e. YES 6 Scanley2.3 Singer5.11.4 ... "5.3.9" "5.3.10" Linux Kernel Linux 1.0 "0.95", "0.96" ... 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FAVE 5仕事はどのようにしますか? CHANGES ChangeLog ChangeLog ChangeLog ( CHANGES CHANGES ChangeLog "CHANGELOG" "NEWS" "ChangeLog" CHANGES ChangeLog CVS CVS ChangeLog ChangeLog ( ) ( ) "Scanley2.5.0" ziptar scanley-2.5.0.tar.bz2 scanley-2.5.0.tar.gz scanley-2.5.0.zip Windows CRLF() UnixLF "MySQL5.0", "Scanley2.5.0" Scanley-2.5.0.tar.gz scanley-2.5.0.tar.gz ( ) tar scanley-2.3.0-alpha1.tar.gz scanley-2.3.0-alpha2.tar.gz scanley-2.3.0-beta1.tar.gz scanley-2.3.0-beta2.tar.gz scanley-2.3.0-beta3.tar.gz scanley-2.3.0.tar.gz scanley-2.3.0-alpha1 scanley-2.3.0-alpha2 ... C, C++, Unix $ ./configure $ make # make install root Vaughan, Elliston, Tromey, Taylor GNU Autoconf, Automake, and Libtool New Riders ^[27] http://sources.redhat.com/autobook/ Ant ( Java Ant PerlPython (Perl perlMakefile.PL) ^[28] INSTALL 2 Windows Unix Microsoft (Developer Studio, Visual Studio, VS.NET, MSVC++, ) / Cygwin( e.g Perl Python Windows, Unix, Mac OS X, "" "" RedHat GNU/Linux RPMDebian GNU/ Linux APT (.deb) Microsoft Windows .MSI .exe trunk () tar tar 3 tar (8 ) GnuPG( PGP( PGP tar ( ) tar tar ( tar zip ) MD5/SHA1( Cryptographic_hash_function ) scanley-2.5.0.tar.gz tar scanley-2.5.0.tar.gz.asc MD5 scanley-2.5.0.tar.gz.md5 SHA1 scanley-2.5.0.tar.gz.sha1 scanley-2.5.0.sigs scanley-2.5.0 scanley-2.5.0-beta1 (scanley-2.5.0-beta2 ) alphabeta rc 6 tarURL MD5/SHA1 () () CHANGES (8 ) 1.0.0 () 1.0.1, 1.0.2 () 1.1.0 1.0.x () 1.1.0 1.1.1 ( ) 1.1.0 1.0.3 1.1.0 1.0.x 1.1.0 1.0.4 1.1.x 1.0.x 1.1.x "" "development" "latest" 6 1.1.3 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.2 1.1.4 ( 1.1.4 ) 1.1.2 "" (e.g. 1.1.3, 1.2.0 ) 3 4 N : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r6228 | jrandom | 2004-06-30 22:13:07 -0500 (Wed, 30 Jun 2004) | 8 lines #1729 : * ui/repl.py (ChangingFile): (DoIndex): * indexer/index.py (FollowStream): (BuildDir): : * www/index.html: typo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BuildDir #1729 index.html BuildDir : 4 #1729 BuildDir BuildDir index.html 3 ( ) : ^[29] Jefferson and His Time Dumas Malone () "" (8 ) 36 ^[27] ^[28] Python pythonsetup.pyinstall Distutils Ruby Rubygems geminstall[] ^[29] Martin Michlmayr Ph.D Quality Improvement in Volunteer Free and Open Source Software Projects: Exploring the Impact of Release Management ( Michlmayr Google Google Video http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid= -5503858974016723264 8 FAQ Subversion Subversion () () ( ) ? ^[30] ? ? ( ) ( ) () ! ( ) ( ? ) jrandom ( ) " X ? " X ( ) X ? Subversion 1.0 () 1.0 1.0 ! () (6 ) () () ? ? () "" Subversion Apache Software Foundation ASF Sander Striker Apache Software foundation author author ? 1 ? 95% author ? ? author author 5 ? author maintainer ^[31] contrib/ # indexclean.py: Scanley # # : K. Maru # : The Scanley Project > # K. Maru. # # ... 10 20 "" () ? "" "" 3 XML () () ( ) (Regression testing) "Don't break the build!" () CVS ( CVS CVS (sanity.sh ) CVS CVS CVS sanity.sh CVS 35,000 CVS ^[32] CVS ? ( ) ( ) ? FAQ ( ) ? ? () ( ) Scanley ? Scanley OS ? ! Scanley OS ? http://www.scanley.org/ how_to_report_a_bug.html 1 ( ) 2 3 Subversion (D. ) ( ) ( ) Subversion 6 Windows ?!? ?? "RC" ? ?? Subversion [...] ... 50 2 () Subversion () ( ) ( ) FAQ FAQ ! ( ) () ( ) ( ) () ? ? Subversion ? ? Subversion ( ) "" () ( ) Subversion 10 (12) ! Subversion 2 Subversion 6 () ( ) (Internationalization) (Localization) (I18N) (L10N) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G11n The distinction between them is subtle but important: Internationalization is the adaptation of products for potential use virtually everywhere, while localization is the addition of special features for use in a specific locale. ( ) Unicode ( ( ) ( 1 ) Subversion IssueZilla ^[33] Subversion ( ) () FAQ FAQ FAQ (FAQ ) FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ (FAQ ) FAQ FAQ FAQ (6 ) FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ wiki (3 Wiki ) FAQ / Faq-O-Matic ( Faq-O-Matic FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ FAQ Sean Michael Kerner The FAQs on FAQs http://osdir.com/ Article1722.phtml FAQ () ( ) () () ! ( ) ( 1 ) > > > > () ( ) [] ( ) ( ) () ? 2 ? () 2 2 (? !) Subversion 2 3 2 ^[34] 4 ? Subversion first, do no harm () Subversion ? 3 () IRC ( ) ? ? 100 10 90 10 ? ? () ( ) (RedHat RPM ) (4 ? ) ? Subversion (advisory vote) ( "+1" "+0" "+1()" ) "" ( ) : 3 () ? ( ) (Star Chamber) Subversion MAINTAINERS COMMITTERS (3 ) () ^[35] (3 ) "J. 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(CLA) FOSS F/OSS FLOSS GNU General Public Licence ( GPL) Free Software Foundation ( FSF FSF FSF ( ) Open Source Initiative ( OSI http:// www.opensource.org/) OSI (2,3 ) 1 FSF http://www.fsf.org/licensing/essays/ free-software-for-freedom.html OSI 2 : http://web.archive.org/web/20021204155022/ http:// web.archive.org/web/20021204155022/ free-notfree.php FOSS, F/OSS, FLOSS "Free / Open Source Software" FOSS F/OSS "Free / Libre Open Source Software" (libre^[37] http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FLOSS ) DFSG ... Debian ( DFSG social_contract#guidelines) DFSG () Debian DFSG Debian Debian DFSG FSF OSI DFSG ( ) DFSG OSI ... 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jp/projects/opensource/wiki/ licenses%2FMIT_license ) GPL GPL (GNU General Public License) ( GPL GPL GPL FSF GPL GNU Library GPL GNU Lesser GPL ( LGPL ) LGPL GPL LGPL GPL MIT/X GNU Affero GPL: GNU GPL 2007FSF GPL GNU Affero GPL ( licensing/licenses/agpl.html) ^[38] GNU AGPLv3 GPL ... ... ... GPL GPL FSF GNU AGPLv3 AGPLv3 GPLv2 (GPLv3 ) GPLv2 GPLv2 GPLv2 AGPLv3 GPLv3 GPLv2 (GPLv2 ) AGPLv3 AGPLv3 GPLv3 AGPLv3 Wikipedia http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affero_General_Public_License GPL ? GPL GPL () MIT/X GPL ( ?) GPL (6 ) GPL GPL GPL GPL GPL GPL GPL ( ) BSD ? BSD ( BSD ) BSD Unix Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) ( http://www.xfree86.org/3.3.6/COPYRIGHT2.html#6 2.2.2 ) MIT/X BSD GPL 1999 BSD BSD BSD BSD BSD BSD MIT/X MIT/X BSD MIT/X MIT/X BSD BSD () BSD MIT/X BSD http://www.opensource.org/ licenses/bsd-license.php 3 () contributor license agreement ( CLA) CLA ( ) ^[39] CLA CLA SCO Linux (CLA) CLA CLA CLA : () "... " CLA CLA CLA : CLA: http://apache.org/licenses/icla.txt http://code.google.com/legal/individual-cla-v1.0.html CLA: http://apache.org/licenses/cla-corporate.txt http://code.google.com/legal/corporate-cla-v1.0.html (FSF) FSF FSF FSF GPL FSF FSF FSF CLA GNU GPL GPL MySQL http://www.mysql.com/ company/legal/licensing/ Sleepycat Software http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products /berkeley-db/htdocs/licensing.html GNU GPL GPL GPL GPL GPL MySQL Zack Urlocker MySQL GPL () MySQL ^[40] ^[41] ^[42] ( ) GNU GPL 7. () () [...] / ^[43] Apache License 2.0 ( 3. ^[44] http:// www.nosoftwarepatents.com/ Wikipedia ( http://www.rants.org/2007/05/01/ how-to-tell-that-software-patents-are-a-bad-idea/ Understanding Open Source and Free Software Licensing Andrew M. St. Laurent : O'Reilly Media20048ISBN:0-596-00581-4. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/osfreesoft/ Make Your Open Source Software GPL-Compatible. Or Else. David A. Wheeler http://www.dwheeler.com/essays/gpl-compatible.html. GPL GPL http://creativecommons.org/ ^[37] ^[38] Affero, Inc. GPL 2 (GPLv2) AGPL FSF GPL 3 (GPLv3) FSF AGPL "GNU AGPL" Affero, Inc. Affero GNU AGPL "AGPLv3" "GNU AGPL" "GNU AGPLv3" ^[39] ^[40] IBM 1600 500 ^[41] http://groups.csail.mit.edu/ mac/projects/lpf/Whatsnew/survey.html ^[42] RedHat http://www.redhat.com/legal/patent_policy.html ^[43] GNU General Public License 2 http://www.opensource.jp /gpl/gpl.ja.html.euc-jp ^[44] wiki http://sourceforge.jp/ projects/opensource/wiki/licenses%2FApache_License_2.0 A. 2007 Subversion Subverion CVS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_revision_control_software CVS CVS () CVS [: 5 CVS CVS Subversion ] Subversion Subversion CVS CVS CVS Subversion CVS Subversion Subverion [: Subversion Subversion ] SVK Subversion SVK Subversion SVK SVK Mercurial Mercurial " CPU (HTTP SSH) UNIX MacOS X Windows " (Mercurial ) GIT GIT Linus Torvalds Linux Linux GIT Linux Git GNU Arch Monotone ( BitKeeper) Git Bazaar Bazaar (bzr) GNU Launchpad.net Bazaar Bazaar Bazaar GNU Arch 1 GNU Arch Darcs David's Advanced Revision Control System CVS Haskell Linux MacOS XFreeBSDOpenBSD Microsoft Windows Darcs cgi Arch GNU Arch Arch CVS Arch Arch monotone monotone RSA linux solarisOSXwindows GNU GPL Codeville ? Codeville Codeville ID Codeville CVS Vesta Vesta SCM [] ( 10,000 ) ( 10,000,000 ) Vesta Compaq/Digital Systems Research Center 10 2 Compaq Alpha Alpha 150 2 ( ) Vesta 130 MB 1.5 GB 10-15 GB Vesta Vesta Alpha Vesta Vesta Alpha Intel Vesta Aegis Aegis Aegis Aegis CVSNT CVSNT CVS CVSNT GNU Geleral Public License CVS Windows SSPI Active Directory sserver SSPI (Windows Unix ) Win32 NT () META-CVS Meta-CVS CVS CVS CVS META-CVS / CVS OpenCM OpenCM CVS CVS CVS OpenCM PRCS PRCS Project Revision Control System (CVS ) SCCS RCSCVS () ArX ArX HTTP SourceJammer SourceJammer Java / FastCST FastCST FTP HTTP 'serve' Superversion Superversion () Superversion B. () Bugzilla Bugzilla Bugzilla Bugzilla GNATS GNU GNATS (GNATS ) () GNATS RequestTracker (RT) RT RT RT GNU GPL ( RT ) Trac Trac Trac wiki wiki wiki Trac Subversion (A. ) Roundup Roundup (Python 2.1 ) ( ) Mantis Mantis PHP MySQL Mantis Flyspray Flyspray PHP Flyspray : ( MySQL PostgreSQL) (Jabber ) CSS ()RSS/Atom wiki Scarab Scarab : Scarab () Scarab () 2004 1.0 Debian Bug Tracking System (DBTS) debbugs/ Debian (DBTS) DBTS http:// bugs.debian.org/ 277,741^[45] DBTS Emacs debbugs-el reportbug DBTS Trouble-Ticket Trackers WebCall Bluetail Ticket Tracker (BTT) BTT BTT BTT FAQ ^[45] (2005)20093 51 C. Poul-Henning Kamp "bikeshed" ( 6 ) URL http://www.freebsd.org /cgi/getmsg.cgi?fetch=506636+517178+/usr/local/www/db/text/1999/freebsd-hackers /19991003.freebsd-hackers Subject: A bike shed (any colour will do) on greener grass... From: Poul-Henning Kamp Date: Sat, 02 Oct 1999 16:14:10 +0200 Message-ID: Sender: phBcc: Blind Distribution List: ; MIME-Version: 1.0 [committers hackers bcc ] committers hackers bcc hackers sleep(1) sleep(1) sleep(1) FreeBSD OpenBSD NetBSD C 1960 50% 35 P -hackers -hackers /dev/null () ports / +------------------------------------------------------------+ | 10.| | | | 10 | | 0.5 | | | | | | | | | | | | [] [] [] | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | [] | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | .| | | | [] | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | N.NN | | A.AA | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [] | +------------------------------------------------------------+ sleep(1) FreeBSD () Poul-Henning D. Subversion 8 http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/www/bugs.html Subversion ( ) ------------------------ * Subversion user () ( de user subversion ) * APR : dede * Neon HTTP: neode * Apache HTTPD 2.0 : dede Apache httpd http://httpd.apache.org/bug_report.html * (rug)(hug)(snug) ---------------- Subversion subversion subversion userirc.freenode.net IRC #svn 510 11 : Subversion ? ? :-) Subversion : * * Subversion / * * * Barkley DB * Subversion http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/www/hacking.html#patches de E. [FAMILY Given] 20093 1 Karl Fogel Karl Karl May the Source Be With You! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [FAMILY Given] 20093 Producing Open Source Software 20075 ^[46] 2 KarlFogel ^[47] IRC ^[46] http://blog.thepimp.net/archives/ Good-reading-for-Mailing-list-members.html ^[47] http://producingoss.com/ja/index.html F. Attribution-ShareAlike (-) ^[48] Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA. Karl Fogel -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- : * * : * . * . * * [] * -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- Creative Commons Legal Code: 2.1 : 1 a. b. c. d. e. f. 2 3049 18241924 202102 3 7b a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 4 5 34 a. b. c. URI Uniform Resource Identifier d. URI e. f. g. h. i. j. 1 2 3 4URI URI URI 5 k. 6 7 a. 1249 b. a c. ab 8 a. b. c. d. 9 http://creativecommons.org/ http: //www.creativecommons.jp/ ^[48] Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 2009217 2.1 OK 2.

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